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Sunday, August 21, 2011

Venture Forward

"It is this belief in a power larger than myself and other than myself, 
which allows me to venture into the unknown and even the unknowable."
~ Maya Angelou 
West African symbol of life transformation meaning:
"change or transform your character"
Change is always among us.  That's what makes humanity so fascinating; decisions, actions, behaviors, etc. are always on the move, leaving us in a constant state of asking...what will happen next?  And the tough part for many of us is learning to feel "ok" in the presence of such unpredictability. 

I begin a new job on September 1st. It's familiar enough territory for me, seeing as I'm not changing companies, just positions into a field I formerly worked. But the process of deciding TO change was hard enough when I felt like so much had changed in my life recently.  What did I do to make the decision?  I weighed two very important questions my sister posed to me early in the process:

1. Do you WANT to make the change?
2. Will this change elicit happiness?

Such simple questions- and while reminiscent of Michael Himes' questions about discerning vocation (check out Doing the Truth in Love for his take)- it took me a long time to answer them honestly, recognizing that not everyone important in my life would agree with my decision.  

My "change" happened when I took a step back and trusted that sense of relief in my body and heart and that said, "Yes, this is needed, and YOU will be happy."  I knew it was my God whispering to trust and venture into that unknown, even if it means I am anxious and scared at times.  I am human after all.

~ submitted by D.M.F. (to submit your thoughts to thread, email mdsacredthreads@gmail.com)

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